System Info


- Fix iofbres crashing while trying to set/reset resolution on unc0ver
- Fix battery view crashing Settings app on A12 devices
- "Time since the last full charge section" (active and standby) on versions apple removed it
- Bring back old battery usage graph
- Fix crashes related to Apple deprecating alertview on iOS 13.4 (test this throughly and report issues)
- SHSH saving now works on iOS 5, 6, 7 and 8. Tap the cell to access the option.
- APTicket submission (shsh2 of the currently installed version with generator) now works on all 64 bit devices regardles of version.
- Fix packages cell in About not cycling through sections
- Fix copying tweak/apps list on iOS 8 (swipe on Packages/Applications cell)
- Show the current bootloader rather than just iBoot versions
- Show the footer under the right section in About view
- Show CPU Temperature in About (seems to be working on iOS 4+, but depends on hardware sensors. Test and report back). If you have the package "system_info_uea", uninstall it. It's not longer needed to read temperature.
- Temperature unit will change based on the user locale preferences. You can also tap the cell to temporarily switch between units
- Resolution will now (more consistently) only apply at the time of jailbreak (The old method I've been using doesn't seem to work on newer iOS versions). It will revert back to original if you reboot at least 5 seconds after applying the resolution. I added a method to automatically apply resolution after you jailbreak. This is not guarateed to work, but let me know the results
- Current resolution will now always display current resolution.
- Adjust resolution scaling factor to give less glitchy resolution on first point in the slider. This multiplier is calculated based on the native heigh dimension. Although it tries to set a non-glitching resolution, you will need A12customresfix on notched devices due to changes in how statusbar is rendered on newer iOS versions
- Fix broken navigation on iOS 7 and below Storage partition view and Applications view
- Fix headerview in Appinfo view (About > Applications > App) on iOS 7 and below
- Fix hooking some views on iOS 3-7


If you have a device on iOS 3 - 5. Please test this version and let me know if this works (v2.3.4-5 works without issues. So make sure you're installing this version). I'm still working on getting this to work on iOS 2 You can report issues to me by twitter, email, telegram discord or reddit. Please look for typos in the tweak. I'm notorious for that. Thanks to everyone who supported me in my difficult times.